MSRP $199.15
Vibrant and fresh, ultra lightweight lifejacket, the Spinlock USCG approved Deckvest Lite is perfect for inshore sailing, kayaking, fishing, SUP and powerboating.
Simple and easy to use, the Deckvest LITE has a side entry and soft rear molding straps for added protection. Also inclides a built in safety whistle. One size fits all, with an adjustable waist belt that unclips to allow easy entry once you have it set to your size.
Ergonomically designed to sit on the shoulders and neck comfortable while keeping out of the way of your arms and waist for full freedom of movement. This inflatable life jacket turns unconcious wearer's face up and effectively keeps your head above water. Offering a multitude of safety features as well as comfort, Spinlock's Deckvest LITE keeps you moving safely and quickly on your boat and is ideal for situations where a built-in harness, emergency light or sprayhood are not required.
The USCG Approved Deckvest LITE uses a water activated Halkey Roberts Pro 1F® Auto Inflator that is designed so that only water flowing upwards through the unit will cause it to activate. Water, spray and rain running down the jacket will not cause activation. You can also manually inflate your life jacket with the pull handle on the front and once inflated you can add or release air with the oral inflation tube.