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Water Rescue Kit



Retail $670.45

MRD100 rescue stick from mustang survival replaces Stearns I014

You're first on the scene. There is a victim in the water and time is running out . . . what can you do?

The first person on the scene is not always equipped to execute a safe water rescue. Without the proper equipment and training, the first responder may not be able to execute a safe rescue, greatly reducing the probability of the victim's survival. In an emergency, seconds count. The Mustang Survival Water Rescue Kit contains everything the first responder needs to conduct a basic emergency water rescue: an inflatable PFD to protect the rescuer, a Rescue Stick™ to stabilize the victim and a throw bag to retrieve the victim all in a heavy duty storage case. Complete with quick reference instruction sheet.

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Re-Arm MA7206 (add $60.40)


mrk110 water rescue kit replaces Stearns I014


Mustang Survival Gear brought to you by www.machovec.com


  • MD2014 M.I.T.™ 100 Inflatable PFD - Protect yourself
    The basic requirement of water rescue is self protection. Although the rescuer does not plan to enter the water. if the unexpected happens being prepared keeps the rescuer from becoming a victim. The MRK110 Water Rescue Kit includes the MD2014 M.I.T.™ 100 Inflatable PFD which must be manually inflated once in the water. The MD2014 is USCG Approved Type V for commercial use and Type III for recreational use.
  • MRD100 Rescue Stick™ - Stabilize the Victim
    Incredibly easy to use, the Rescue Stick™ provides rapid flotation assistance allowing rescuers to quickly and easily stabilize the victim. A stabilized and calm victim can more confidently aid in self rescue. Easily thrown over 100' with accuracy, simply remove the Rescue Stick™ from the water Rescue Kit and throw near the victim. Once contact is made with the water it inflates in seconds to a large horseshoe shape with handles, keeping them afloat and their head above water, giving the rescuer the time necessary to aid the victim to safety. With 35 lbs of buoyancy, the Rescue Stick™ has the ability to provide emergency flotation for multiple victims.
  • MRD075 Rope Throw Bag - Retrieve the Victim
    The highly visible and durable throw bag allows the rescuer to quickly retrieve the victim. Once the victim has been supported by the inflated Rescue Stick™, the bag should be thrown beyond the victim and pulled back allowing the victim to reach the rope and be pulled in to complete the rescue. The throw bag consists of a heavy duty buoyant bag and 75' of floating rope.
  • Protective Storage Case
    The customized heavy duty drop tested, impact resistant, air and water tight protective case is easy to open in an emergency and is equipped with a pressure relief valve. The case meets military, ATA and federal specifications.

US Patents 7004807; 7128629

SKU: 62533222663

Download MRK110 Data Sheet

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Download MRD100 User Manual

The MRD100 User Manual is a pdf file. If you are unable to open it you will need to download the latest FREE version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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Mustang Survival Warranty and Repair Information

**Products not eligible for returns include: Re-Arm Kits, Custom Orders, Non Current and Non Stock Products, Discontinued Products and Inflatable PFD's purchased 6 months ago or longer.

The Mustang Survival Warranty and Repair information sheet is a pdf file. If you are unable to open it you will need to download the latest FREE version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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2019 Mustang Survival Product Guide
2019 Product Guide

2018 Mustang Survival Product Guide

2017 Mustang Survival Industrial and Commercial Catalog

2017 Mustang Survival Angler Catalog

2016 Mustang Survival Public safety Product Guide

2016 Public Safety Catalog

2016 Mustang Survival Military Product Guide

2016 Military Catalog

2016 Mustang Survival Product Guide

2016 Product Guide

2016 Mustang Survival Range Book

2016 Range Book

For hard copy catalogs contact us at 763-263-9835. To download, right click the image and select "Save Link As".

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